

Customer Experience Summits

Customer Experience Summit is where top executives responsible for customer experience meet with customer experience professionals from different industries, get inspired, share best practices, share customer experience trends and skills, network and inspire the next generation of customer experience professionals

CX Networking Breakfast

CX Networking Breakfast is a small forum where Customer Experience experts and professionals meet locally to discuss customer experience trends, share customer experience resources, and network.  During these sessions there is always an invitee who typically would be a resource person or senior customer experience executive. Each breakfast has a theme and areas of competences to be discussed. 

Customer Service Awards

Customer Experience Summit is where top executives responsible for customer experience meet with customer experience professionals from different industries, get inspired, share best practices, share customer experience trends and skills, network and inspire the next generation of customer experience professionals

Guest Speaking

Customer Experience Summit is where top executives responsible for customer experience meet with customer experience professionals from different industries, get inspired, share best practices, share customer experience trends and skills, network and inspire the next generation of customer experience professionals

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